7 Top Tips For Grooming Your Dog From The Pros

One task that many people wish they could do like the pros, is dog grooming. We say “many people”, but we really mean dog owners who dream of having the ability to give their dog’s coat the first-class grooming that they receive when they take them to a professional dog groomer.

To be able to groom dogs, as well as the professionals from madamemas.com, would take lots of training and additional experience, but there is nothing to stop you from following professional dog grooming tips to make the grooming you give your dog the best it can be. And it just so happens we have seven tips from dog grooming pros below.

Go For Walkies Before Grooming: This is such an easy tip to implement, but strangely few dog owners think of it when they are about to groom their dog. What you are doing is burning off much of the energy your dog has by taking them for a walk, and more so if you play games like fetch. Back home, your dog has less energy to mess about and be uncooperative. It also helps enormously with nervous dogs as they have less nervous energy to expend.

Four Hands Are Better Than Two: Your dog has four paws, and we reckon you should make it even by having four hands for their grooming. What we mean by that is to get someone to help you. They can do some of the grooming with you, but they can also help by preparing and handing you tools and equipment. Best of all, they can occupy your dog’s attention whilst you groom, meaning there is less chance of the dog being uncooperative.

Be Prepared: Being prepared applies to any job or task that you want to do well, and it is certainly applicable to dog grooming. Having your grooming tools and equipment laid out and ready, towels handy for drying your dog, and even ensuring you have enough dog shampoo are just some of the ways you can make the grooming session less stressful for both of you, plus it should take less time.

Flea Combs Are Ideal For Detangling: Whilst we hope your dog never gets fleas, which is best achieved by applying flea treatment regularly. However, even if you never need a flea comb for the job it is designed for, it can help one aspect of grooming. The teeth in a flea comb are perfect for detangling fur, especially on dogs with longer coats, and it does so without tugging on their fur, which can be painful.

Choice Of Brush Is Crucial: Millions of dog owners have a “dog brush”, but it was bought without any thought as to whether that brush is suitable for the type of coat their dog has. You should be aware that there are specific dog brushes designed for use with coat types which include wire-haired, long-haired, short-haired, and doodle-type coats, so ensure you have the right one for your dog’s coat type.

Rinse Twice After Shampooing: We assume that the shampoo you use on your dog is proven to be safe, free of harmful chemicals, and suitable for their coat and skin, especially if they have sensitive skin. Beyond that, professional dog groomers recommend that you rinse your dog twice after using shampoo and conditioner to ensure that every last trace of them is washed away. Traces that remain can cause dry skin, itchiness, and flaking.

When Clipping Nails Start With The Back Paws: Whilst many dogs might love being bathed, brushed, and trimmed, not all are as keen for you to clip their nails. Dogs know instinctively that if you cut too far along the nail it will hurt them, and they may bleed. Their front paws are more sensitive than their rear paws so it makes sense to start with the back paws to reassure them all is okay before moving to the front ones.