How to Choose Your Nut Milk

Whether you’re allergic to dairy, lactose intolerant, or vegan, nut milks are a great alternative to cow’s milk. Highly nutritious & a great source of protein, nut milks come in a variety of options which each have their own nutrition & flavour profile.

Almond milk is high in magnesium & vitamin E. Interestingly, almond milk has half the calories of skimmed milk, is low in cholesterol & saturated fat.

Hazelnut milk is a great source of vitamins B1, B2, B6, A & E. It is also rich in folic acid. It also contains the most protein out of all the nut milks.

Cashew milk is a high source of vitamin K, iron & magnesium. It is also the easiest of milks to make.

Coconut milk (depending on your view if a coconut is a nut, seed or fruit!) contains as much dairy as cow’s milk & is a great source of vitamin D. The fat content comprises of medium chain saturated fatty acids which is a better form of fat as it helps to boost energy & metabolism.

Allergic to nuts? Try soy milk which is high in protein. Make sure you check the labels as some can be made from genetically modified soy beans. Use soy in moderation as there is evidence that too much may not be good for you (read A Question of Soy for further info)

The best nut milks to have are the ones that you make at home. Watch out for cheap supermarket brands which are highly processed & contain loads of added sugar. Many brands are also fortified with synthetic vitamins & minerals which is ok if you aren’t getting these from your foods but are unnecessary if you eat a diet of wholefoods & fresh fruits & veg. Some will also contain preservatives which can be toxic. When looking for a nut milk make sure you choose organic & unsweetened.

Ready to make your own nut milks? Try our easy DIY Nut Milks Recipe